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Climbing Mountains, Chasing Freedom

Writer: Jonny NelsonJonny Nelson

I love climbing mountains and chasing freedom. Several years ago I made a goal to climb the top 5 US state high points in the 48 states, doing one each year. So far I have climbed to the summit of Granite Peak in Montana, Mount Elbert in Colorado and just this past weekend Kings Peak in Utah. I hope to also climb Mount Whitney in California, Mount Rainier in Washington and Gannett Peak in Wyoming. Each year it is a challenge for myself personally. I love being in the outdoors, experiencing and adventuring. It is also a chance to break away from my hectic life. Why does any of this matter to you?

I want to challenge you to break away. In Mark 1:35 we see Jesus very intentionally getting up, leaving and going to a solitary place. It literally says, “ Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place” (NIV). There are several other times when Jesus goes up on a mountain to pray or goes alone into a garden to pray. He makes time to be alone, often in nature, always in prayer. I think this practice has a way of hitting the ‘reset’ button on our lives. We interrupt our normal day to day and refocus our priorities through prayer and spending time alone with God. Climbing mountains, at 13,000 feet sucking air, miles away from anywhere, I am completely free from who the world expects me to be. I am able to see my identity in Christ alone, apart from ministry, apart from being a leader and apart from what others believe about me.

My challenge to you is to intentionally take time to break away like Jesus. Maybe not climbing mountains, but get out into nature. Get alone, chase freedom and spend time with God. I dare you too! Never, ever, ever stop spending time being with Jesus. Take the challenge yourself and then share this and challenge your friends! Comment and share your experience too…

PS – I’d like to thank my wife for letting me climb mountains and also thank Joe M and Mitch R for coming on this trip with me!


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