Dear JSAW Family,
As the Christmas season approaches I would like to give you all a heartwarming gift from all the riders.
At Bible study this past Wednesday the riders exchanged a series of stories related to a challenge we gave them the previous week. As we have been reading through the life of Jesus we naturally came to Luke 10. To briefly summarize the first part of the chapter, Jesus is commissioning his 72 followers to go prepare the way for him in surrounding towns and villages for his arrival. The 72 followers were commissioned two by two into nearby towns for the purpose of living with the locals and sharing their understanding of Jesus with them. Thus, two weeks ago we (JSAW staff members) also challenged our students to go out and make plans to share their understandings of Jesus with at least three people. My gift to you are the responses of some of these efforts led by kids 11-13 years old.
One rider shared Jesus with a beloved grandparents. The rider said that his conversation was tough and awkward at times because his grandparents did not share the same belief in Jesus as himself, but this experience ignited a new desire in him for sharing the Gospel with friends and loved ones.
Another rider was compelled to share with his lunch table at school what he had been learning in a separate Bible study the previous Monday night, about the relationship between Judas and Jesus. This conversation ignited feelings and opinions surrounding the personage of Jesus. Was he a liar, a lunatic, or God? This just shows that young people can truly engage in deeply spiritual conversations and desire to know Jesus personally.
A copious number of other stories were shared, both negative and positive experiences. I am amazed by the boldness of our riders and it brings me great joy to see them come back from putting their faith into action. As the 72 followers of Jesus returned it is recorded in the Bible that Jesus was “filled with joy”. Therefore, I hope that this update fills you with joy knowing that youth are being impacted, while also impacting others for Christ.
Have a wonderful Christmas and do not forget to come check out all the new action sports gear at Help Boardshop during this Christmas season.
Upcoming Events 1) Parent Breakfast (Dec. 10) 2) Hot Cocoa and Wax Night (Dec. 16) 3) Christmas Party (Dec. 21) 4) Ski/Snowboard Trip (Jan. 13-16)
Needs for the Ministry 1) Christmas Party Supplies – 20 boxes of graham crackers – 1 roll of wax paper – 5 cartons of icing – 2 bags of candy – 20-30 Christmas cookies – Hot chocolate mix 2) A place to stay nearby or in Dresser, Wisconsin (nights of January 13 and 14 for 8-10 people)
Jake Tastad