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Writer's pictureJonny Nelson

Minute To Kill It 2015

As the winter shred season is quickly coming to an end, Help Boardshop held an event called “Minute to Kill it!” Earlier in the season, Jonny and Phil were planning snowboard program for the upcoming season and thought that a video contest would be a fun competition to include this year.

As this idea was born, Matt Chase, an am snowboarder, joined the JSAW team and put in tons of hard work to make this event possible. Successfully, there were 34 video entries and around 75 to 100 people were present for the premiere. During the event, the entire shop was filled with great energy, cheering, and positivity. Before votes were tallied and winners were announced, Phil Akins shared what God has done in his life as well as what God has done for each and every one of us. When Phil was done speaking, people could privately circle an X on their ballot if they wanted to learn more about Jesus Christ. The ballots were collected, and free Chick-Fil-A was handed out to the crowd. After counting, the winners were announced!

It was an amazing night of hosting, connecting, and serving the local snowboard community before the snow quickly disappears. The event was a success, but what JSAW staff is most excited about are the four X’s that were circled after Phil’s testimony. Staff members are currently following up with these attendees, and are stoked for the opportunity to speak into these lives and further introduce them to Christ!

Congratulations to Help Boardshop Minute To Kill It winners; Scotty P., Robbie R., Jesse G., Nick S., and Nick B.! You guys killed it! 

Special thanks to our donors and sponsors who made this event possible!  [images picture_size=”auto” lightbox=”yes” class=”” id=””] [image link=”” linktarget=”_self” image=”” alt=””] [image link=”” linktarget=”_self” image=”” alt=””] [image link=”” linktarget=”_self” image=”” alt=””] [/images]

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