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October’s Bible Study Highlights

Writer: Jonny NelsonJonny Nelson

Dear JSAW friends,

This past month has been filled with excitement. The summer heat is dying down and preparations for winter are underway. Typically, I write about big events and trips because they represent some of the biggest highlights of the quarter. This time I am happy to report that our weekly bible studies have outdone themselves.

First off we held a food drive in response to Matthew 25:31-46. This passage of scriptures is quite important to the Christian life. Jesus makes it clear that those who turn a blind eye to the poor and needy do not have a place in the kingdom of heaven. As a staff we were struck by the intensity of Jesus’ words because he equivalents serving the least in society with serving himself. Our goal was not only to teach riders about serving but to teach kids how to serve through action with the right perspective. The response was not astronomical but as a youth leader I was proud to praise the kids who took it upon themselves to bring in food for the local food shelf. Secondly, we had FOUR riders accept Jesus as their savior this month. On a recent Wednesday a rider approached me before bible study and said, “Can we do that thing where we extend our hands out while we pray over someone.” I was confused at first until I realized what he was asking. He wanted me to perform an alter call and then have all the riders lay hands on the people that took it upon themselves to respond to the call. I replied by asking “do you know anyone interested in accepting Jesus as their savior tonight?” He said, “Yes my friend is interested. He has been an atheist most of his life and we have been having conversations about faith and he is ready to be a Christian.” I was blown away by this story and quickly switched up my plans for Bible study. Little did I know that not only was there one person that wanted to surrender their life to the Lord but three others too!

God has been exceptionally good to us here at JSAW this past month. Continue to pray and support us as we seek to transform action sports culture. Also, I am planning a Colorado snowboarding trip this winter and I am struggling to find a place for all of us to stay. If anyone has any connections that would be willing to donate please email me at


Jake Tastad


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