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Writer's pictureJonny Nelson

Snow Season Kickoff + Cocoa & Wax

Snow Season Kickoff + Cocoa & Wax

This past week Andrew and I (Jonny) launched fully into snow season. Each week we are out riding with guys, building relationships and looking for opportunities to share Christ. This season Andrew will be riding Tuesdays at Elm Creek, Thursday’s at Hyland and then building an older guys crew on Saturday mornings. I (Jonny) will be out riding Hyland on Tuesdays and Thursdays. In this new season it is important for us to stay healthy both physically and spiritually so we can serve effectively. We ride for 2-3 hours connecting with 20-30 different riders every night and working to engage in a meaningful relationship with a handful of them. We try to be encouraging, know riders by name, ask good questions, look for opportunities to serve, pray for/with riders, share our faith and try to learn new tricks and not get hurt!

This past Friday was our first Cocoa and Wax night. We invite riders to stop by the shop and get their board/skis hot waxed for free (normally a $20-30 charge in most shops). One of our sponsors, Fast Wax, provides the wax. We have wonderful volunteers bring in Christmas cookies and supplies for a hot chocolate bar for everyone to enjoy while they hang out. The staff iron on and scrape off wax, repair bases and tune edges while the latest snowboard film plays in our program room. Not only is this a great way to serve riders, we also get the opportunity to talk and share why we do what we do. Cocoa and wax will be held throughout the ski/snowboard season on the last Friday of every month.

If you’d like to give:

If you’d like to join the prayer team or volunteer:

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