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Writer's pictureJonny Nelson

Staff Insider by Jake Tastad

Hello friends and family,

This past week I tried something new out at JSAW ministries. I invited all the riders’ parents who are regularly engaged in our ministry to a private breakfast at Help Boardshop. During this time we discussed meaningful questions surrounding them and the lives of their children. It was a time of learning for JSAW staff members as we heard about how parents see the action sports culture and how they address it in reference to their kids. My findings were consistent with other parents I have had the privilege of conversing with one-on-one about their kids and action sports. Many of these kids are creative, ADHD, and struggle fitting in at school. As the lifestyle of action sports sits into their lives they are faced with opportunities to try drugs. Those that we have seen go down that path experience traumatic experiences and cannot live without another hit. All the parents agreed that by providing a safe and positive community has been a huge gift to their child.

One set of parents expressed their discomfort with the skateboarding culture, because of it’s strong bond with the drug culture. Although, they do not deny the fact that skateboarding is a great way for their son to get some exercise, meet friends, and creatively portray himself in the world.

This breakfast illuminated a need I have seen for some time at JSAW ministries, a safe place not just for adolescents, but also for parents. Typically, there is little to no support for parents in the action sports world; there are no teams, there are few coaches, no stadiums or arenas to gather in and watch their children perform. Therefore, there is not a lot of cross talk between parents. This breakfast is a great way for parents of riders in action sports to bond together and lift each other up. In the future I will be planning this event every month, because failure to reach parents as a youth ministry means we are missing out on a huge opportunity to impact families with the Gospel. So, if you know any parent that have children that skateboard, snowboard/ski, wakeboard, or surf let me know so I can invite them to this breakfast. It is a great resource for parents with kids in action sports to bond, encourage one another, and ask for advice.

Upcoming Events All Night Skateboarding: October 28-29 Donor Dinner: November 12th (make sure to invite a friend!) Ski and Snowboard Trip: January 13-16

Service Opportunities Provide food for Wednesday night Bible Study Work a shift at JSAW booth at Mall of America Ski and Snow board Expo (October 22)


Jake Tastad

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