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Writer's pictureJonny Nelson

The Art of Selling

Hello JSAW Family, It is buying season for us at Help Boardshop. This past week we attended the Midwest Ski and Snowboard Expo to view all next years snowboard products. Before you stop reading, I present you with a twist; we brought a 13 year old rider along. His love for snowboarding and the ability to see all his favorite things a year in advance was a treat to experience. As we went from meeting to meeting his face shown like a kid in a candy store. At the end of each day we plotted out our favorite items and placed them in the “keep for next year” category. We also paid attention to how all the representatives addressed our 13 year old friend. Many treated him as co-equal to ourselves during their sales pitch, whereas some never introduced themselves to our rider. Those whom directed their sales pitch at me or Jonny made a huge mistake because our target market was sitting right beside us. We desire to obtain goods that our community of riders will be excited enough about to purchase. The key to stirring up excitement is to build solid relationships with our customers. Saying that, relationships are the bridge to every transaction we make at Help Boardshop. As many of you know, building a safe positive community is something we take very seriously at JSAW. Our conviction does not just stay inside our facility, but as we expand our network through our shop we desire to support other brands who’s representatives want to become apart of that community. At the end of the day we sell more than just a snowboard or a pair of gloves, we sell community. We do our best to paint a picture kids want to belong to, because that is the intersection at which we fail or succeed in sharing the Gospel of Jesus to the action sports world. The movement has started at JSAW, view our upcoming events, as well as the needs of the ministry below to see how you can partner with us and God as he moves through JSAW.

Have a blessed day,

Jake Tastad Program Director (651) 335-3929 Upcoming Events 1) Ski and Snowboard Trip (Jan 13-16) 2) Costa Rica Mission Trip 3) Parent Waffle Series (February 11) 4) Minute to kill video contest premier (March 10)

Ministry Needs 1) Food for Bible Study (call jake for scheduling) 2) A team of 3-5 people for maintenance project – Examples: deep clean, paint, knock down a wall, install a drinking fountain 3) Donate

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