Twin Cities Action Sports Fest
Date of Event: Sunday, September 7th, 2014 from 10:30am-4pm
Location: Grace Church, 9301 Eden Prairie Rd., Eden Prairie, MN 55347
Cost to Ride: A waiver from and $10 to ride all day on all three parks – helmets are recommended
Purpose: To bring together the Twin Cities action sports community and industry to ride and have fun together. We will feature snow, skate and wake parks on one day in one location.
Contests: Each park will have a contest throughout the day. At each park up to $100 cash will be given to riders who work the hardest and land big, creative and stylish tricks within the allotted contest time. Its like a best trick contest but with more winners = more fun for everyone!
Schedule: -10:30am Event begins, registration/riding opens (snowpark opens at noon) -1pm: Snowboard/Ski Contest -2pm: Wakeboard/Skate Contest -3pm: Skateboard Contest -4pm: Event Ends
Facebook Event:
Hashtag: #twincitiesactionsportsfest
Sponsors/Vendors/Shops/Parks/Industry Reps: We want you to be a part of this! Contact Jonny Nelson 952-452-1283