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Writer's pictureJonny Nelson

Volunteer Spotlight – Linda Timberg

Volunteer Spotlight – Linda Timberg

Personal: Name / Career / Family / Hobbies / Passions

My name is Linda Timberg and I work in the commercial insurance field. I have five daughters, two sons-in-law (one being Jonny Nelson), seven grandchildren and one pup (Joy). My greatest passion is Jesus first, my family and friends. I love to serve for the Lord – volunteering is a hobby that brings me happiness. The hospitality area is my niche and leading women’s bible studies is a blessing to me. I love the outdoors and spending time in Gods beauty/creation.

Faith: When and how you became a Christ-Follower / Biggest Influencer / Journey

I grew up in a very abusive/dysfunctional home where God was not allowed. Before Christ, I spent many years trying to find love from people, careers, possessions and money. I was in many unhealthy/abusive relationships that also caused selfish/sinful behaviors in me. All of which left me very empty, depressed, lost and broken with little to no hope. It was not until my older brother committed suicide that I came to know the Lord (back on 9/9/90). Since then, I have been growing, learning, studying His word and finding out His purpose and His will for my life – it has been a glorious journey. Jesus is the love of my life and I know without a doubt I would not be here today if not for Him!  He is my Savior, my Refuge and my Healer.

There have been many people who have influenced me over the past 29 years so hard to narrow it down. The past 10 years, Brittany and Jonny have been two of those people. They have inspired, encouraged and helped me grow closer to the Lord by their example of how they live. I have also witnessed Gods healing miracles in my own life/family. He has blessed me more than I deserve for I am a sinner, only saved by His grace.

JSAW: How did you get connected / In what capacity do you serve? / Why do you serve?

I came to know Jonny thru Valley Free Church where he and my daughter Brittany met on a youth group trip to Sonshine Festival (I also was in a bible study with his mother, Julie). Brittany and I have been a part of JSAW from the start, when they first opened their doors in Chanhassen. I serve in any area I can as often as I can (bringing meals for skate camp, cleaning the building, helping at events, serving at the NOA fundraiser, monthly donor). I serve because I love Jonny and believe in this ministry, which is so needed in our world today with so many lost and broken youth (for I was one). His passion and vision, his humble attitude, his love for the Lord and wanting others to know and have a personal relationship with Jesus, makes him a true disciple of Jesus.

Additional: Thoughts / Comments / Stories

I have so many stories I could share and not enough space. I will say God did answer my prayer for my daughter Brittany to find a godly, Christian man who loves the Lord and his family with all his heart. This ministry life can be so rewarding yet also very difficult at times. I pray continually (and ask you to as well), for Gods abundant blessings over the ministry and the families behind it. They pour out all of themselves, sacrifice much, asking little to nothing in return, an example to us all.

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