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Sponsor a Rider

Your sponsorship will transform a riders life forever. Every sponsor enables a rider to be engaged with JSAW’s programs and be made into a disciple of Jesus. Your sponsorship is 100% tax-deductible. JSAW will provide you with a receipt and updates on how your sponsorship is transforming action sports culture.


You are giving a rider a giftcard, new set of wheels or a burrito! This gift helps JSAW serve the practical needs of riders and build a relationship.


You are giving a rider full access to the skatepark everyday free of charge and 10% off products in the shop. This gift puts a rider in a safe, positive environment where they can be introduced to Jesus.

Member +

You are giving a rider all the benefits of a park membership, PLUS $75 in shop credit every month. This gift supplies the rider with all the gear they need to ride including shoes, boards, helmets and more!


You are giving a rider a Park Membership+ and a dedicated mentor to meet with on a weekly basis. This gift provides a rider with a specialized leader who is focused on their growth and development.


You are giving the tools, training and ongoing support to a leader who is making riders into disciples of Jesus. This gift will multiply JSAW’s impact through partnerships around the world.

Sponsor a Program

Your sponsorship will transform a whole group of riders. Your sponsorship is 100% tax-deductible. JSAW will provide you with a receipt and updates on how your sponsorship is transforming action sports culture.


You are providing all the resources JSAW needs to organize and carry out an event or service project within the action sports community. This includes the staffing, materials, volunteers, and food to serve riders well.

Outreach Location

You are giving the resources to host a weekly outreach location at a park for a season (summer or winter). This puts two trained and equipped Rider Support Specialists at a park every week building relationships, serving, praying and sharing the gospel with riders.

Small Group

You are enabling a whole group of riders to develop in their faith in a weekly small group Bible study for one year. This includes specially trained and equipped Rider Support Specialists, content, Bibles, space, and food.

You can also make a donation here: 

you can also mail a check to



7399 Bush Lake Road

Edina, MN 55439

donate sponsor rider
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